Are you tired of dealing with joint pain and inflammation? Do you want to find a natural solution to support your bone health and promote weight loss? Look no further than cissus quadrangularis, a plant that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its numerous health benefits.

Cissus quadrangularis, also known as veldt grape, is a plant that grows in India, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Its extract has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help reduce joint pain and inflammation. In addition, cissus quadrangularis has also been used to support bone health, improve exercise performance, and promote weight loss. With its wide range of health benefits, it's no wonder that cissus quadrangularis has become increasingly popular in the health and wellness community.

In this ultimate guide, we'll take a closer look at the incredible benefits of cissus quadrangularis and how it can help improve your overall health and well-being. Whether you're dealing with joint pain, looking to improve your bone density, or trying to lose weight, cissus quadrangularis may just be the natural solution you've been looking for. So, let's dive in and discover the many benefits of cissus quadrangularis.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Cissus Quadrangularis?
  2. Cissus Quadrangularis for Joint Health
  3. Cissus Quadrangularis for Bone Health
  4. Cissus Quadrangularis for Exercise Performance
  5. Cissus Quadrangularis for Weight Loss
  6. Other Potential Benefits of Cissus Quadrangularis
  7. How to Take Cissus Quadrangularis
  8. Cissus Quadrangularis vs. Other Joint Supplements
  9. How to Identify High-Quality Cissus Quadrangularis Supplements
  10. FAQ

What is Cissus Quadrangularis?

Cissus quadrangularis is a plant that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its many health benefits. It is a succulent plant that belongs to the grape family and is native to India, Africa, and Southeast Asia. The stem and root extracts of cissus quadrangularis have been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including bone fractures, joint pain, and asthma.

One of the key benefits of cissus quadrangularis is its ability to reduce joint pain and inflammation. The plant contains several compounds, including ketosterones and resveratrol, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These properties make cissus quadrangularis a powerful natural remedy for reducing joint pain and inflammation, especially in conditions like arthritis and gout.

Cissus quadrangularis has also been shown to be effective in promoting bone growth and density. Studies have shown that cissus quadrangularis can increase bone mineral density and improve bone healing, making it a valuable supplement for those dealing with osteoporosis or other bone-related conditions. Additionally, cissus quadrangularis has been shown to improve exercise performance, aid in weight loss, and potentially offer other benefits like improved metabolic health and digestive function. With its many benefits, cissus quadrangularis is a promising supplement for those looking to improve their overall health and well-being.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Joint Health

Cissus quadrangularis is a natural plant that has been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of health conditions, including joint pain and inflammation. One of the key benefits of cissus quadrangularis is its ability to reduce pain and inflammation in the joints, which can be especially beneficial for those dealing with conditions like arthritis or gout.

How Cissus Quadrangularis Reduces Joint Pain and Inflammation

One way that cissus quadrangularis works to reduce joint pain and inflammation is by blocking the production of certain enzymes that contribute to inflammation in the body. This can help to reduce pain and stiffness in the joints, making it easier to move and perform daily activities. Additionally, cissus quadrangularis contains compounds like ketosterones and resveratrol, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can further help to reduce pain and inflammation in the joints.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Arthritis

For those dealing with specific joint conditions like arthritis, cissus quadrangularis may be a helpful supplement to consider. Research suggests that cissus quadrangularis may be particularly effective in reducing joint pain and stiffness in those with arthritis. In one study, participants who took cissus quadrangularis supplements for eight weeks experienced a significant reduction in joint pain and stiffness compared to those who took a placebo.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Gout

Cissus quadrangularis may also be helpful for those dealing with gout, a type of arthritis that is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the joints. Research suggests that cissus quadrangularis can help to reduce the buildup of uric acid in the joints, which can help to reduce pain and inflammation. Additionally, cissus quadrangularis may help to improve kidney function, which can also be beneficial for those with gout.

Cissus quadrangularis is a promising natural remedy for joint pain and inflammation. Whether you are dealing with general joint pain or a specific condition like arthritis or gout, cissus quadrangularis may be a helpful supplement to consider. As always, it is important to talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement or medication to ensure that it is safe for you to use and will not interact with any medications you are currently taking.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Bone Health

Cissus quadrangularis is a plant that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to promote bone health. It has been found to have several benefits for bone growth and density, making it a promising natural remedy for conditions like osteoporosis.

How Cissus Quadrangularis Promotes Bone Growth and Density

One way that cissus quadrangularis promotes bone growth and density is by increasing the levels of osteoblasts, which are cells that are responsible for the formation of new bone tissue. Cissus quadrangularis has been found to increase the activity of these cells, which can help to improve bone growth and density. Additionally, cissus quadrangularis contains compounds like beta-sitosterol and triterpenoids, which have been shown to have bone-stimulating properties.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by a loss of bone density and an increased risk of fractures. It is a common problem among aging populations, particularly women. Cissus quadrangularis has been found to have several benefits for those with osteoporosis. One study found that participants who took cissus quadrangularis supplements for six months had significant improvements in bone density compared to those who took a placebo. Additionally, cissus quadrangularis has been found to reduce oxidative stress, which is a contributing factor to the development of osteoporosis.

Cissus quadrangularis is a promising natural remedy for bone health. Whether you are looking to promote bone growth and density or manage a condition like osteoporosis, cissus quadrangularis may be a helpful supplement to consider. As always, it is important to talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement or medication to ensure that it is safe for you to use and will not interact with any medications you are currently taking.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Exercise Performance

Cissus quadrangularis is a natural supplement that has been found to have several benefits for exercise performance. It can help to improve muscle strength and endurance, making it a popular choice for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

How Cissus Quadrangularis Improves Exercise Performance

One way that cissus quadrangularis can improve exercise performance is by reducing inflammation in the body. Exercise can cause inflammation in the muscles, which can lead to soreness and fatigue. Cissus quadrangularis contains compounds like quercetin and kaempferol, which have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties. This can help to reduce inflammation in the muscles, allowing for faster recovery and better performance.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Muscle Building

Cissus quadrangularis has also been found to have benefits for muscle building. It contains compounds like beta-sitosterol and triterpenoids, which have been shown to have anabolic properties. This means that they can help to increase muscle mass and strength. Additionally, cissus quadrangularis has been found to increase the levels of testosterone in the body, which can further aid in muscle building.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Endurance

Endurance is another area where cissus quadrangularis can be helpful. It has been found to increase the levels of glycogen in the muscles, which can provide a source of energy for endurance activities like running or cycling. Additionally, cissus quadrangularis has been found to increase the levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the body. ATP is a molecule that provides energy to the cells, and higher levels of ATP can help to improve endurance and performance.

Cissus quadrangularis is a natural supplement that can have several benefits for exercise performance. Whether you are looking to improve muscle strength and endurance, build muscle, or increase your overall performance, cissus quadrangularis may be a helpful supplement to consider. As always, it is important to talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement or medication to ensure that it is safe for you to use and will not interact with any medications you are currently taking.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Weight Loss

If you're looking to shed some extra pounds, Cissus Quadrangularis may be a helpful addition to your weight loss journey. This powerful herb has been shown to have beneficial effects on weight loss and overall metabolic health.

How Cissus Quadrangularis Aids in Weight Loss

Cissus Quadrangularis has several mechanisms that can aid in weight loss. First, it may help reduce appetite and food intake, which can lead to a decrease in overall calorie consumption. Second, it has been shown to have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent overeating. Finally, Cissus Quadrangularis has been shown to have a thermogenic effect, meaning it can increase the body's metabolism and calorie burning capacity.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Metabolic Health

In addition to its weight loss benefits, Cissus Quadrangularis can also have a positive effect on overall metabolic health. It has been shown to have a positive effect on blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity, which can help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. Additionally, it has been shown to have a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism, which can help improve cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Cissus Quadrangularis is a promising natural supplement that can aid in weight loss and improve overall metabolic health. As with any supplement or weight loss aid, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting to ensure it's safe for you and won't interact with any medications you may be taking.

Other Potential Benefits of Cissus Quadrangularis

Cissus quadrangularis is a versatile plant that has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of ailments. In addition to its well-known benefits for joint health, bone health, exercise performance, and weight loss, Cissus quadrangularis may also have potential benefits for other aspects of health.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Diabetes

Some studies suggest that Cissus quadrangularis may have potential benefits for people with diabetes. One study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that Cissus quadrangularis supplementation significantly decreased fasting blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition found that Cissus quadrangularis extract improved insulin sensitivity in rats with diabetes.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Heart Health

Cissus quadrangularis may also have potential benefits for heart health. A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that Cissus quadrangularis extract reduced total cholesterol levels and improved HDL cholesterol levels in rats fed a high-fat diet. Another study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that Cissus quadrangularis extract had potent antioxidant activity and protected against oxidative damage in the hearts of rats.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Digestive Health

Cissus quadrangularis may also have potential benefits for digestive health. A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that Cissus quadrangularis extract improved symptoms of peptic ulcers in rats. Another study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that Cissus quadrangularis extract had significant anti-inflammatory activity in the digestive tracts of rats.

Overall, while more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of Cissus quadrangularis for these aspects of health, these initial studies suggest that Cissus quadrangularis may be a promising natural remedy for a variety of health conditions.

How to Take Cissus Quadrangularis

Cissus quadrangularis is a versatile plant with many potential benefits, but it is important to take it properly in order to maximize its benefits and minimize any potential side effects.

Cissus Quadrangularis Dosage

The recommended dosage for cissus quadrangularis varies depending on the specific product and the reason for use. As a general guideline, most supplements suggest taking 500-1000mg of cissus quadrangularis per day, divided into two or three doses.

It is important to follow the instructions on the product label and not exceed the recommended dosage without consulting a healthcare professional. Taking too much cissus quadrangularis can lead to unwanted side effects.

Cissus Quadrangularis Side Effects

While cissus quadrangularis is generally considered safe, some people may experience side effects when taking this supplement. The most common side effects include stomach upset, headache, and dry mouth.

It is important to stop taking cissus quadrangularis and seek medical attention if you experience any severe side effects, such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, or allergic reactions.

Overall, cissus quadrangularis can be a safe and effective supplement for a variety of health concerns, but it is important to take it responsibly and under the guidance of a healthcare professional if you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns about potential side effects.

Cissus Quadrangularis vs. Other Joint Supplements

When it comes to joint supplements, there are many options available on the market. However, not all supplements are created equal. Cissus quadrangularis stands out as a unique option with several benefits that other joint supplements may not offer.

One key benefit of cissus quadrangularis is its anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation can contribute to joint pain and stiffness, making it an important factor to address when looking for joint support. Cissus quadrangularis has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve joint health in several studies, making it an effective option for those looking to reduce joint pain and improve mobility.

Another benefit of cissus quadrangularis is its ability to support bone health. While many joint supplements focus solely on joint health, cissus quadrangularis has been shown to improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. This makes it an ideal option for those looking to support overall bone health as well as joint health.

Compared to other joint supplements, cissus quadrangularis also has a lower risk of side effects. While some joint supplements can cause digestive issues or interact with medications, cissus quadrangularis is generally considered safe and well-tolerated.

Overall, if you're looking for a joint supplement that offers unique benefits beyond typical options, cissus quadrangularis may be worth considering.

How to Identify High-Quality Cissus Quadrangularis Supplements

When it comes to purchasing Cissus Quadrangularis supplements, it's important to know how to identify high-quality products. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Purity: Look for supplements that contain pure Cissus Quadrangularis extract without any fillers or additives. The label should clearly indicate the percentage of Cissus Quadrangularis extract in each serving.

2. Standardization: Standardization ensures that the supplement contains a consistent level of key active ingredients. Look for supplements that are standardized to contain at least 2.5% ketosterones, the active compound in Cissus Quadrangularis that is responsible for its health benefits.

3. Third-Party Testing: Choose supplements that have been tested by a third-party laboratory for purity, potency, and safety. Look for supplements that carry a seal of approval from organizations such as the US Pharmacopeia (USP), ConsumerLab, or NSF International.

4. Manufacturing Practices: Look for supplements that are manufactured in facilities that follow good manufacturing practices (GMP). This ensures that the supplements are made under strict quality control standards and are free from contaminants.

5. Reputation: Choose supplements from reputable companies that have a track record of producing high-quality products. Look for companies that have been in business for several years and have positive customer reviews.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can ensure that you are purchasing a high-quality Cissus Quadrangularis supplement that is safe and effective. As always, it's important to talk to your healthcare provider before taking any new supplements, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication.


1. What is Cissus Quadrangularis?

Cissus Quadrangularis is a plant native to India and parts of Asia and Africa. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, and has recently gained popularity as a dietary supplement for its potential health benefits.

2. What are the benefits of Cissus Quadrangularis?

Cissus Quadrangularis is commonly used for joint health, bone health, exercise performance, and weight loss. It may also have potential benefits for diabetes, heart health, and digestive health.

3. How does Cissus Quadrangularis work?

Cissus Quadrangularis contains several active compounds, including ketosterones and triterpenoids, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Additionally, some research suggests that Cissus Quadrangularis may help promote bone growth and density, and may have positive effects on insulin sensitivity.

The recommended dosage of Cissus Quadrangularis can vary depending on the specific product and intended use. However, most studies have used doses ranging from 300-600 mg per day, divided into 1-2 doses.

5. Are there any side effects of Cissus Quadrangularis?

While Cissus Quadrangularis is generally considered safe when taken as directed, some people may experience mild side effects such as headache, nausea, and digestive upset. As with any dietary supplement, it's important to talk to your healthcare provider before taking Cissus Quadrangularis, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications.


In conclusion, Cissus quadrangularis is a powerful plant that has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. Its unique blend of nutrients and phytochemicals makes it an effective natural remedy for joint pain and inflammation, bone health, exercise performance, weight loss, and more. It's also relatively safe to use, with few reported side effects.

If you're considering taking Cissus quadrangularis supplements, it's important to do your research and choose a high-quality product from a reputable manufacturer. Look for supplements that contain pure, standardized extracts of the plant and are third-party tested for purity and potency.

As with any supplement, it's also important to consult with your healthcare provider before adding Cissus quadrangularis to your routine, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or are taking any medications.

Overall, Cissus quadrangularis is a promising natural remedy with many potential health benefits. By understanding its uses, dosages, and potential side effects, you can make an informed decision about whether it's right for you.